Children’s Homes

Changing Lives for a Brighter Future

Family Style Living for 12 Girls

The God given plan, and therefore preferred choice for Amparo, is children to be raised by loving parents in an environment that is safe and allows them to grow and flourish. Unfortunately, that does not always happen. And we are faced with the question, what do we do when what is supposed to be the safest place for a child becomes the most dangerous?

Safe & Loving Environments

Amparo homes are designed to create a safe and loving environment. 

For most of these children, the abuse and insecurity are viewed as a way of life. 

In Bolivia one in three girls will be sexually abused before their 18th birthday, 75% of these cases occur in their inner circle, home or school.  If the sexual abuse doesn’t stop and trauma healing therapy is done, a chain of sad events will most likely follow, which include abuse of substances, prostitution, teenage pregnancy, sexual exploitation and more. 

For this reason, a large population of girls currently are living at their own home and it is unsafe.  The resources currently available to help these at-high risk girls are really small. This is one of the reasons why the horrible events keep on repeating from one generation to the next one.  

Through our Outreach Program we identify the girls at highest risk, who have already been neglected, sexually abused and forced take adult roles. These vulnerable girls always come from highly dysfunctional families, live in extreme poverty, are being forced to beg on the streets, have family members who participate in prostitution, have parents who are alcoholics and drug addicts, live in dangerous areas or lack proper guardianship.

We work with the community, local Government and have a social worker in order to protect the girls and bring them legally to our home. Girls between the ages of 6 and 15 can enter the home. They will reside in the home until they reach 18 years of age. Amparo becomes fully responsible for the care of the child. Amparo covers all expenses for the child to include medical, dental, education, counseling and spiritual growth.  The families and the government do not support the children.

Amparo homes are designed to create a safe and loving environment.  All house staff are women.  Our desire is to create a family type atmosphere and thus our maximum occupancy in the home is 12 girls. We have three house aunts that work full time in the home.  Additionally, we have another three assistant aunts that invest up to 8 hours weekly. This structure provides personal care for the girls.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find Answers to
Common Questions

Why does Amparo work with girls only?

Human trafficking has been widely regarded as the worst kind of slavery of the 21rst century. Every human being was created as a reflection of God, to live in freedom and dignity. Human trafficking is a crime which rejects another person’s humanity, strips freedom away from individuals and prevents them from living in the way which God has designed. Can you imagine how much worse it is when the objects are children? And for sexual purposes…  According to the UNODC 79% of human trafficking worldwide ends in sexual exploitation. Maybe a better question is: How can we, as the body of Christ, look the other way and stay silent about it?

What is the core difference between the Outreach Program and the Girl’s Home?

 There are two big differences:

(1) The level of risk of the girls and their exposure to violence, neglect and abuse.

(2) The depth of relationship we have with them and what we provide for them.

At the Girl’s Home we have 12 girls between 6 and 18 years old living 24/7 there. Something extreme in terms of violence, neglect and abuse needs to happen and no healthy extended family to be found in order for the Government to bring a girl to live into our Home, where we provide for all their needs and are fully responsible for them.

In the Outreach Program we serve girls who are at medium risk. They still are in very precarious situations and exposed to violence and abuse, usually neglected by their families but there still is room to work with the families and willingness from the families to ask for help and work through the process towards a better future for themselves and their daughters. Here we see the girls at least once a week and spend between 4 and 20 hours weekly with them.

In which way what Amparo does is Jesus centered and gospel rooted?

Our vision is Bolivia free of child sexual exploitation. Our mission is to actively contribute to the end of violence against young girls in Bolivia, especially sexual violence and sexual exploitation. Through the love of Jesus, prevention, attention and protection. It is our conviction there is only complete and eternal freedom in Jesus and He is the only way to God. Abundant life can only be found knowing God. So if we want these girls to be free and have abundant lives, Jesus is the only option, to be disciples of Him the objective and to be rooted in Him the only way to everlasting fruit.   

The average cost per child in a home is $250/month.

We need your help to care for these young girls in our homes. 

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Amparo: 501(c)(3) / Copyright 2021 / Oregon, USA

  • Santa Cruz, Bolivia

  • 317-413-0027 (US)        591-766-34-609 (BO)



To end the sexual exploitation and trafficking of girls in Bolivia by providing protection, education, restoration and the love of Jesus.

Developed by Fishhook.

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